The High-Value Woman eBook

The High-Value Woman book by Liz Donahey is a blueprint for becoming a high-value woman including the mindset, motivators, and measures.

The High-Value Woman

The High-Value Woman book by Liz Donahey is a brilliant and beautiful blueprint for becoming a high-value woman. You will understand and master the 15 qualities that make up the high-value mindset, supported by the motivators, and measures of what it takes to reach your full potential. This book gives women the inspiration and tools they need to increase their value, self-love, and happiness to live their best lives. 

Get the High-Value Mindset
  • Discover the 15 qualities of the high-value mindset that will empower your ability to get the love, lifestyle, confidence, respect, and income you deserve. They include happiness, healthy, accountability, love, abundance, and beyond.
Become an Expert at What Motivates You
  • Learn the core motivators of the high-value woman’s thoughts, feelings, and actions and how to better control the outcomes. 
  • Utilize Maslow’s popular Hierarchy of Needs framework to show how your thoughts, feelings, and actions drive your higher-value needs and desires.
Get Your High-Value Score
  • Learn the measures that make up the high-value woman.
  • Get your high-value score to see where you’re at in your journey to reach your high-value potential.

We need to encourage women to understand, appreciate, and therefore elevate their value. and  This book will help you be better focused and invested in the things and people that give you the most love, happiness, security, and value you deserve in this precious lifetime.